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Companion Planting Guide

8 Apr

Companion Planting Guide

This chart will be spectacular for our major planting on Sunday! 



29 Mar



Planting :D

29 Mar

Planting :D


SO much vegetable

29 Mar

SO much vegetable

We’ve started the planting for the season, and herbs in the Women’s Center! Thank you to everyone who has helped out so far 🙂

Spring Kickoff!

27 Feb

Hi grand gardeners,

This Friday 3/1 3:20pm-4:40pm at the Penn Women’s Center, we’ll be hosting our Spring Kickoff event. There will be snacks and drinks, planning for the future, and planting of indoor herbs! Get hyped 🙂 

27 Feb

Peas anyone?

What's not to like?

Peas are perfect in school gardens because:

1)  They come in their own wrappers.  In terms of food safety—-winners!

2)   Peas are one of those foods whose “fresh” version and “canned” version are radically different.  If you’ve only had those nasty little canned ones, fresh peas seem like a whole new food.

3)  You can’t plant enough peas.  My experience is that kids love to search for them on the vine, pop them open and eat.  Every year I plant them I resolve to plant ten times more the following year.

4) As nitrogen-fixing legumes, you can chop up the plants after they’ve produced and dig them in to improve the soil.

5)  Peas can be put in the ground early (Valentines Day here in Julian) so kids can plant and harvest during the school year.  (Because some vegetables ripen in the summer, plants whose entire cycle can be…

View original post 92 more words

27 Feb

University of Pennsylvania composting project to re-start soon!

Alliance for Community Transformations

Not only is it good for the earth…but it makes your gardens oh, so pretty. Can you tell we are ready for spring over here?

Source: via T. on Pinterest

It is easy to get started…be on the lookout for more great info about gardens and healthy foods!

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Totally Radish

2 Jul

From our work on Saturday! 🙂

Summer Veggies!

21 Jun

Let’s kick the Summer off again by meeting for a work day in the garden on Saturday at 11am. The garlic scapes are looking good, radishes are coming in very nicely, and there is arugula, dill, basil, and kale to spare! We can also begin plans to plant for a fall harvest as there is some room available. You should have received an email, but if you didn’t, contact me at and ask to join the Penn Garden Club google group.


Michael Accardo

PS. There is also a Wild Foodies of Philly meet-up occurring that morning
at 8am for a tour of the Lemon Hill area. We will be sampling wild
raspberries and various other plants. Here is a

First Workday!

7 Apr

Hi all!  Our first workday at the Garden was the first Friday after spring break, and lucky for us it was a gorgeous day!  We spent the first portion of the workday getting rid of any dead vegetation, and then set to work immediately afterwards pouring mulch onto the beds.  We then mixed the mulch into the soil.  Hopefully, this will help the plants to grow.  We also, to our surprise, found that the garlic is sprouting up green and healthy.  It’s a good omen for the days ahead!